Green Physical Needs Assessment (GPNA) and Physical Needs Assessment (PNA)

Finn Daniels is committed to HUD’s GPNA and PNA requirements and processes. We are knowledgeable of information provided by HUD on its website, regularly attend related sessions at the NAHRO conferences, and have participated in-person at software training sessions held in Washington D. C. We are familiar with all work required to complete a Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) Physical Needs Assessment Template (PNA) with the 20-Year (CNA) Capital Expenditure Template.

GPNA Deliverables

  • Draft report of the GPNA, project breakdowns and energy audits.
  • Final report of the GPNA, project breakdowns and energy audits.
  • Copy of the GPNA tool with all the agencies PIC data, GPNA inspections, comprehensive cost library, photos, replacement needs, refurbishment needs, sustainability needs, accessibility needs, and marketability needs installed.

PNA Deliverables

  • Completed MHFA Physical Needs Assessment Template (PNA)
  • Completed Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) – 20 Year Capital Expenditure Template
  • Executive Summary of the Property